You may be hot or pretty but if you're not putting out the right signals your more then likely going to put him off. Even if you do like him, if you don't show it then he's going to get the wrong idea and end up going home and never calling you again.
The first thing is stay away from your phone. This is a common schoolgirl mistake in this day and age. You are probably used to chatting on your phone most of the day but when you're in the company of a guy it's a bit no no! Most guys will always keep track of how often you reach for your phone during the date. Even if you're not talking to someone on it, sending messages from your phone is just as bad. It makes the guy feel that you would rather be someplace else. At the end of the day it's just being courteous to pay attention to your date. If the phone call is important he will understand, if you just want to talk about the new shoes you bought then he really wont!
Secondly, do not hog the conversation. It's important you don't constantly talk during the date, and even more important that you don't talk about yourself. You need to let him talk also, respond to the conversation and let it flow. If you talk too much about yourself he will get very bored very quickly and he will also think of you as a bit self involved and be totally put off.
Thirdly, don't complain about anything. Ever. If a guy has gone to trouble of booking a restaurant table and you arrive and realise you don't like the look of the restaurant then you just have to deal with it. It's a big blow to a mans ego if you scorn upon the choice he's probably spent ages trying to make. He will feel rejected and probably not enjoy the date from there on in. Same goes for other situations, like if he's booked tickets for film you don't really want to see or a play you're not interested in. Remember it's the thought that counts and if you start complaining about it he will just think of you as a moaner and worst of all, high maintenance! You need to wait until your both comfortable in your relationship before you can let your complaining begin, until then keep it to yourself!
So now you know what you should never do on a first date, you should have a lot more success even if you don't really need it!